Sunday, August 19, 2012

How I Got My Bible

I was perhaps 12 years old, full of a child-like faith. My father had purchased me a "teen study Bible" when I was 10, because I was an advanced reader and old for my age.  At 12, I decided I was tired of my teen Bible, and wanted a Bible that was for adults.
The problem was that I had no money to buy a new Bible.  My parents had just purchased the Bible I had, so I figured they wouldn't buy me another one.  At 12, there aren't that many other resources.  Also, I wasn't sure which version to get.  King James?  NIV?  One of the more modern translations?  I didn't know what to do.  So I went to God and prayed.
Not too long after, I went with my father to take the trash to the transfer site.  We lived in an area that was too far for the city garbage pick up.  The vehicle we took sat high up, so I was eye-level with the edge of the dumpsters.
While my father threw the trash out, I looked over, and eye-level to me was a purple Bible, perfectly set on the edge of the dumpster.  By that time, my father had just gotten into the car and was shifting gears to drive away.
"STOP!!!" I cried.
My father nearly had a heart attack.  "What is the matter?" he asked.
"MY BIBLE!"  I indicated the purple Bible on the dumpster.
"What is it doing there?!" my father asked.  I could tell he thought I tried to throw my Bible away, and was disappointed in my behavior.
"No, Dad, I prayed and asked God for a Bible and there it is!"
"Well you better get it then," he said.
I got out of the car and ran over and grabbed my Bible.  It is the version that I read to this day, a New Revised Standard Version Bible.  It has really excellent maps and commentary on difficult verses.  There have been many verses that I have had questions about that the commentary gives insight to.  Granted, I take time to study and come to my own conclusions, but I value the opinions of others who are wise and have studied the Word as well.
At any rate, the Bible has been very well-worn and loved.  I had to use duct tape (it's an Alaskan thing) to hold it together.  But it just goes to show you how God will provide the little things.  He's a God of details.

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