Sunday, September 2, 2012

Dream That Gas Prices Would Rise

It was a very long time ago, that much's for sure.  Gas is now about $4 a gallon.  But back then, it was under $2.
I think in today's day and age, it is really easy as Christians to miss the spiritual aspect of our Christian walk.  Sure, don't do bad things, go to church, worship crazy, go to a Bible study.  You're set.
The problem is that even though we live in a world with learning, technology, and science, there's still a spiritual element to existence.
I suppose I more easily embrace the spiritual element of existence because of my Eastern background, being half Korean.  My parents also, I've found, have spiritual giftings that I've observed since childhood and have also discovered that I have an aptitude for.  One of those are dreams.  I have had an aptitude for dreams since I was a child.
I think some dreams are the consciousness processing the day's comings and goings.  Sometimes I've realized it's the time when I can face things I've pushed under the surface, didn't want to face.  Some people think they are the result of pizza eaten too late at night.  I'm not so sure if food is a factor.
However, one thing I do believe is that God speaks to people in dreams in today's age still.  He reveals things that we are too busy to accept or notice during the day, he shows us the future.
There are a few famous dreams in the Bible that I can recall-- Joseph (husband of Mary) being warned by an angel to go to Egypt to save Jesus' life, Joseph (coat of many colors) dreaming about the sheaves and stars, the dream of the king that Daniel interpreted to name a few.
Here is one dream that God gave me at a young age.
It was pretty brief.  All I saw was a gas price sign.  I watched it as the numbers rose up, changed to $1.89 a gallon. At the time of my dream, it was well under $1.89.
One day, I am not sure how long after, I noticed that the gas prices had risen to $1.89.  I told my father about my dream, and he exclaimed, "Why didn't you tell me?  I would have bought it in bulk and saved a bunch of money."
I didn't know at the time that I ought to have told him.  I wasn't really sure what to do with it.  But I suppose this is an example of a warning dream, a warning of hard times to come.
I really appreciate that God chose me for the revelation of this future to come.

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