Sunday, October 14, 2012

Attempted Kidnapping

Psalm 91:11 (NASB)
For He will give His angels charge concerning you, to guard you in all your ways.

When I was 14, I went on a few-week mission trip to the Philippines with the organization Reap International.  I was really young, naive, and thought good of most people at that point in my life.  I went wherever without a thought of what was going on and was completely unaware of any potential danger.
Apparently while we were there, there was a communist group called the New People's Army or NPA which was watching our team the duration of our time on one of the islands.  The Filipinos would not let us sleep in certain villages because of kidnapping danger and I think the NPA lit off a bomb near the Bible School that Reap helps with to intimidate the American presence or something of the sort.  I was completely oblivious.
I went from one place to the next smiling at everyone, leading worship at the churches, engaging in any activities that the other youth on our team were doing. One thing that I tried was riding on the outside of one of their local modes of transportation-- the tricee which is like a golf cart attached to a small motorbike.  All the passengers ride in the "golf cart" side.  It was really fun because my parents would never let me do anything risky like that (they did not come on the trip)... all until a Filipino man reached out and hooked his arm around my waist and tried to pull me off the tricee.
It didn't occur to me that I was in danger, I just didn't think it was very polite to rip people off tricees.  I didn't struggle, I was too small then to have fought him and he was too large that I am not exactly sure how he had not succeeded.  All I know was that one minute I was riding on the outside and he hooked his arm around my waist and pulled and the next minute I was flying/scrambling into the very full golf cart onto the laps of many people on our team.  They asked me what the meaning of it was, thinking I was perhaps acting up, but I told them what had happened, so they let me ride on the inside.
I didn't fully realize the significance of this until I became older, for now I know of all the things that can happen to a 14 year old girl that gets kidnapped.  I thought the worst that could have happened was that they might ransom me if it was the NPA that tried, but it could have been one of those people that steal children to sell them.  Whichever was the case, I realize that God's divine hand was protecting me, because surely the man should have succeeded in kidnapping me to whatever end.  But God's angels watched over me and kept me safe. 
I know most people don't have stories like that, so I have really seen the incredible work of God in my life.  I am sharing it here so that others can see that God truly is at work in the world, alive and active.  My life has been evidence of it numerous times.

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