Sunday, October 21, 2012

God Had An Opinion On My Outfit

Isaiah 30:21 (NIV)Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
You probably think by the title of my post that I am writing about modesty.  While I am a firm advocate of modesty, the opinion that God voiced one cold wintery morning had nothing to do with a shirt that was too low cut or anything of the sort.  In fact, because it was so cold out, I put on a long sleeve shirt with a high neckline.
It was always hard at the office to decide whether it would be warm or cold that day.  The day prior to the particular morning God had an opinion, it was extremely warm in the office.  So I decided to not wear long johns under my pants because I would roast and subsequently be tempted to nod off after lunch, all warm and toasty.  I fixed my hair and make up and turned on my heel to go to work.
God said: You'll want warmer clothes today.
My response was to go extreme.  You want warm clothes, God?  I pulled out the largest, most heaviest sweater ever made and layered that over long johns.  I also selected my warmest coat and boots.  I hate wearing headwear during the winter, but I made sure I had that as well, and also gloves.  I was certain I would roast in the office that day and that I would show God a thing or two about having an opinion about my outfit!
Needless to say, as I was driving to work that morning, I thought that the music on the radio had a very annoying beat.  I turned the music up to hear it because it did not match the rhythm of the words at all!  Oddly enough, the rhythm of the beat did not correspondingly increase in volume.
I noticed then that the car was driving strangely, but it being a snowy morning, I had to wait to pull over.  Finally I cleared the intersection, pulled over in the snow, and found that I had a flat tire and the "odd beat" that I thought I heard on the radio was me driving and crunching the rim of the tire into scrap metal!  Yikes!
Needless to say I had to pull all my summer tires out of the back of the car to try and find a jack, which took a while.  The car did not have a jack so I stood out in the snow like a very lost person for some time before someone pulled over to see if I needed help.  He did not have a jack that would fit my car, but returned home to get one from his other car that would fit.  I waited outside in perhaps thirty or forty below-zero weather.
Finally, once my flat was swapped out with a winter tire, I drove to work and found that I had been outside so long that I was cold the entire day.  Had I not listened to God, heard his still small voice, that morning, I would have lost my toes and ear tips to frostbite and perhaps frozen my thighs and other parts susceptible to cold damage.
I don't believe that a follower of Jesus must pray over whether or not they should wear warm clothes or lighter clothes in the morning in any season, or whether or not they should put ketchup or mustard on their hotdog, however I do believe that in the day-to-day, we need to be open to hear God's voice whisper in our ears his opinions, requests, and commands.  He may utter something vital, such as, "This is the one you are going to marry," or he might tell you to not eat that ketchup because it's spoiled.  Or, he might tell you that you'll want to change your outfit for the day.
I encourage you to cultivate your relationship with God so that you can recognize his voice.  Also, don't be so busy or occupied or blasted with media that you do not have the opportunity to even hear his voice if he spoke.  Often times we miss the quiet voice telling us to go to the right or the left because it's drowned out by distractions.
I know I must strive to be open to hearing.  I know it's worth it-- I still have my ears and toes to prove it.

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